Clive James goes country

Clive James

Birth Name: Vivian Leopold James
Born: October 7, 1939
Died: November 11, 2019

Essayist, Poet, Broadcaster

basic information

country of manufacture n/a
note of registration ©1995 Carlton Television and Watchmaker Productions
recording RCA Studio A, Nashville, TN [CJ Demo Version]
mixing Chuck Ainlay [CJ Demo Version]
production Carolyn Longton


Clive James vocals
Mark Knopfler electric guitar
George Reeves acoustic guitar
[Glenn Worf] electric bass
[Paul Franklin] pedal steel
[Chet Cromwell] drums


untiteld song (demo version) [ca. 2:25]


(George Reeves, Richard Drewett, Clive James)


Clive and Mark together with members of the 96ers in the RCA Studios Nashville, TN, USA, listening to the demo version

aired on ?

In this 1995 TV production Clive James is about to produce a country song written by himself with the assistance of Chet Atkins, George Reeves and Mark Knopfler. Thereafter Mark Knopfler is going to generate a demo version of his song with some members of the 96ers.

last update of this webpage: 26.06.2021

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