they dance alone


basic information

release date unknown
country of registration UK
label A&M Records
catalog no. AMCD 458 [CDs], AMY [12"]
format CDs, 12" Vinyl
note of registration P1987 & ©1988 A&M Records, Inc.
recording n/a
mixing n/a
mastering n/a
production Neil Dorfsman, Sting
credits n/a

tracks [CDs]

1 they dance alone (cueca solo)


3 tracks single

Produced for the album ...NOTHING LIKE THE SUN.

also available

cover year country of manufacture format label catalog no. note of registration
1988 UK / England
Vinyl 7" A&M Records AM 458 P1987 & ©1988 A&M Records, Inc.
1988 Japan CDs 3" A&M Records
S10Y 3052 P1987 & ©1988 A&M Records, Inc.

2 tracks single


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