A relevant analysis by
a panel of interested theoreticians from the fields of philosophy,
sociology, cultural and political science, psychoanalysis, and
aesthetics in an attempt to:
Clarify the present-day
actions and behavior of the globalized individual as a part
of the mechanics of power.
Follow the psychopathological
resonance of globalized capital in private practice and life.
Research whether the present
system of ideology produces crises and ideological black
holes, and whether fascism is developing into new dimensions
as a totalitarian system, when in fact the main economic system
is global and total. Ways and means for making aggression legitimate.
Define what a good
citizen means today and how that individual functions as a supposed
citizen of the world. Tolerance, political correctness, and
cultivated aggression.
Figure out if todays
good citizen of the world is considered the American
citizen and why.
Define aggressive patriotism, or globally
applied patriotism.
See how and why todays
ideological system produces personal crises and emotional and
moral breakdowns, and seek ways for remedying that.
Personal economy, virtualizing
personal space, and the destructive consequences on the psyche
due to the bodys escape into virtual space.
Accident something bad suddenly happens (personal);
an incident, death
is it just a bad coincidence; bad luck;
karma, or do we intentionally/involuntarily avoid or dismiss
the fact that maybe:
The accident is a result of peoples passivity, and that
can be considered passive aggression?
2. The accident as a result of
suppressed aggression (which, according to traditional
Freudian psychoanalysis, is pure depression!) To what
extent is suppressing aggressive instinct part of the required
incorporation into contemporary society, and what are the psychological
consequences for the individual. Is there a relevant substitute
today for the ritual channeling of aggression primitive societies
had (sacrificial offerings) in order to vent out aggression
instead of suppress it
? When somebody looses it,
the result is only and always chronicled as an accident.
3. The accident as a result of
auto-aggression, in other words, as a death drive (Freud)
Sexual relations, limitations,
and taboos, the aggression and auto-aggression that accompanies
them as a potential possibility drawn from such limitations
and taboos.
What could be assumed a
consequence or damage caused by new screen communication via
the Internet and new technology where physical contact is practically
zero. Aggressive Autism.
Must we consider ourselves
actual participants in the political world today and how?
The meaning and meaninglessness
of passive/active perception of the present as a unified social/political
system a no-win situation?
How and why must contemporary
value systems be rationalized and can that affect theoretical
concepts concerning the social/political system outside of perfecting
it as a device for control, power, and exploitation?
What is anarchy?
Can violence be used against
Anarchy of the mind
causes, reasons, results, epilog
The need for conclusions.