Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident

Preliminary Notes
/first attempt/

It’s the sign of the times – you either turn against everyone else, or see the enemy in yourself…or you just flicker until something happens. Maybe you’re slowly, silently committing suicide – there are countless ways to do so.

Everything happens in the name of survival. Survival, physical survival begins to mean something when hunger starts…then comes distrust with suspicious looks, and slimy, empty, otherwise courteous smiles. Even when it’s been physically overcome, hunger remains, and becomes a habit – hunger for more, a chronic hunger born from the feeling of inner emptiness…

You want to survive, and prosper. Money is the sign of the times. But the auction price of a soul has not been announced yet. Faust is out.

Unhappiness means you’ve been a victim of bad circumstance, at least that’s the way you want to see it, otherwise you’d have to admit you’ve been running against yourself for a long time. You’ve set off without knowing who you are, until one day you’re standing in front of your own remains. You try to gather them, try to collect yourself…you try to stick the pieces into place with dry spit. Nobody notices you, you don’t notice anybody. Until someone reaches for the integrity you’ve glued together. Outrage rises from your guts and you’re ready to kill. You suppress the instinct, but your blood has been poisoned. The venom reaches your brain. It leads you to masochism. You become sadistic towards your own self. What must be tolerated, how much more of it, and for how much longer… you accept your fate. It must have been written in the stars. You dare not start writing, so you start drinking. Like many others, it’s customary, it’s the sign of the times, and times are hard, they’re not getting any better. You see red. Someone’s in your way, quite by accident, unsuspecting. It turns out that your way is invisible. What a pity. A pity for that someone. You realize later, but it’s a bit too late. Until you too end up in someone’s way, unsuspecting…    


Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident

Preliminary Notes
/second attempt/


The desire to understand the relevant present inevitably raises questions about issues like aggression, auto-aggression, and accident. It is unnecessary to mention the active content of these three ideas, since we are not only witnesses, but also participants, dramatis personae, conscious or involuntary executives or victims. In other words, aggression, auto-aggression, and accident not only surround us as part of our everyday lives - they are within us, and we, whether we realize it or not, are the instrument leading to what we call "mortification."

The project "Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident" will attempt to scrutinize, analyze, visualize, interpret, and theorize, with the help of an organized theoretic discussion, artistic interpretation and practices, the reasons and tendencies in today's world concerning psychological balance on an individual level alongside the tensions unbalancing the present social/political reality. They cannot be defined, analyzed, or interpreted in religious, ethnic, urban, national, or regional isolation in a time we claim is global. 

"Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident" aims to provoke, encompass, and describe issues from within the psyche; the personal process of reacting against socialized global reality, which will become evident through the practice we call art. The project will also analyze the inter-subjective relationships in the general frame of social/political relations, the platform of which is the global financial capital known as relevant critical thought/theory.  

Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident

Preliminary Notes
/tirth attempt/

The two sides of aggression, viewed from the banal metaphor of the coin, give it respectively authenticity and value.

Aggression as government politics does not excite the imagination unless you are either part or a victim of such politics. Aggression as government politics is evident, clear, the signs are everywhere, mostly on international news broadcasts. It is less evident in the local news, invisible in everyday life…

Aggression in everyday life is a whole other issue. It is dislodged, eroticized, pathologized, criminalized, and taboo. Dislodged aggression has no choice but to turn inward, becoming auto-aggression, the results of which we as respectable, active, and diligent citizens refuse to accept as anything other than an accident. What follows is, at best, a fleeting compassion and desire for charity, usually around Christmas time.

If, according to Freud, aggression constitutes the world, if the displeasure of departing from the mother's breast, the discomfort of disrupted happiness, when the calm utterly timeless bliss of cooing, sucking, and evenly distributed warmth is shattered, ripped apart, and demolished, the cry of outrage signals the existence of a world, on the outside, and another, be it hostile, but also desired, indispensable, needed. Wanting, the vulgar, wild wanting to have and to hold is here. Aggression constitutes the world, therefore through aggression the world is, or is it?

If aggression constitutes the world, does auto-aggression constitute the inside world, alienated or otherwise the result of presumptive dissatisfaction, an inner battle of the utopic trinity of Soul, Body and Spirit, the evident and fatal damage in the retaliation of the Onlooker are none other than an accident, mal chance, bad luck, fate, etc. a battle in which if the Body looses, that means Death, if the Soul looses, Hell follows, if the Spirit looses - along comes Misery.  The choice is yours.

And now - the Good Luck Girls…

Aggression, Auto-aggression, Accident

Preliminary Notes
/last attempt/

Goodness is submission, obedience. Freedom is always open to rebellion. Goodness is connected to the impenetrable character of the rule.

The utopian morality of freedom melts into the conventional morality, which unites people

into a system of obligations. Only the morality of communication - and the devotion, which

determines communication, surpasses utilitarian morality.

…tears are the climax in the emotion of communication… 

after bataille